Decision Trees

There are many components to choose from when building or updating a page. The decision trees provided in this hub will help guide you through choosing the right component for your content and page. 

When choosing which component makes the most sense, there are three main questions to ask that will help decide what the correct new component for the content is:

  • WHAT content is being provided?  
  • WHERE is the content directing users?  
  • HOW MANY pieces of content are there?  

Utilize the following decision tree to decide what component to use for promoting a product on pages.


There are a variety of components that can be used to promote content such as brochures, case studies, events, tools, videos, etc. Use the decision tree below to help decide which component is best for the resources on your page. 


Adding text to a seems straight forward, but there are multiple components that can be used to do this. Use the decision tree below to decide which text-based component is best for your needs. 

DECISION TREE - Text on page